122cc太阳集成游戏刘晶晶老师在T3级别期刊——《Environmental science and pollution research international》上发表题为“The influence of individual authenticity experience on tourists’ behavioral intentions: the chain mediating role of place dependence and place identity ”。论文第一作者刘晶晶为122cc太阳集成游戏特任副教授。
Abstract / 摘要:
This paper introduces the concept of individual authenticity from psychology into tourism research, aiming to develop and test the intricate mechanisms of individual authenticity, place attachment, and the behavioral intentions of tourists. Several relevant hypotheses are formulated and empirically tested using a structural equation model (SEM), with data from China. Results demonstrate that individual authenticity experience is an important antecedent of tourists’ behavioral intentions, where place dependence and place identity play a partial chain mediating role. The research provides fresh insights into the role of subject-related authenticity in tourism, which also provides anchor points for enhancing destination marketing.
The influence of individual authenticity experience on tourists’ behavioral intentions: the chain mediating role of place dependence and place identity
Liu Jingjing; Su Yahui; Ren Lanxin; Nijkamp Peter
Keywords / 关键词
Individual authenticity;place dependence;place identity;behavioral intentions;place attachment;chain mediating effect
Indexed by / 核心评价
DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2023.2293809